Melody Baglione

Professor and George Clark Chair of Mechanical Engineering


Rosen, M., Baglione, M. et al, “Implementing an Interdisciplinary Senior Design Approach Within a Traditional Departmental Framework,” 2025 ASEE Annual Conference, Accepted.

*Dai., K., *Lerner, J., *Pattabhiraman, A.,  *Zhang, O., Rundell, J., Baglione, M. “Validation of Energy Savings from a Condenser Water Supply Temperature Reset Strategy,” ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 129 (2): 784-792, 2023, Presented at ASHRAE Annual Conference, June 2023, Tampa, FL.

Wright, K., Wootton, D., Sidebotham, G.,  Baglione, M., Chambers, R.*, He, J.*, Potoskie, Z.*, Gilliar-Schoenenberger, L.*, "A Case Study of Collaborative Teaching and Learning in Engineering Experimentation: the Hydrostatic Vacuum Tube,” Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Columbus, OH, October 30 - November 3, 2022. 

*Woo, J., *Bukhari, A., *Lane, L., Mei, L., Baglione, M., Yecko, P., Bondi, S.,  “Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of the Efficacy of HVAC Adjustments on Mitigating Airborne Transmission of SAR-COV-2,"Accepted to 2021 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 1-4, 2021, Virtual.

*Chin, A., *Faddoul, R., *Lacey, C., *Mosin, A., *Zhang, O., Baglione, M., Rundell, J., "Optimizing Condenser Water Supply Temperature to Minimize Energy Usage," ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 126 (2020): 342-350. Presented at ASHRAE Winter Conference, February 1-5, 2020, Orlando, FL.

*Sterman, M., Baglione, M., “Simulating the use of CO2 concentration inputs for controlling temperature in a hydronic radiant system,” Proc. of the 2017 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 3-9, 2017, Tampa, FL.

Zalles,  G., *Kamel, Y., Anderson, I.,  *Lee, M.Y.,  Neil, C., Henry, M., Cappiello, S., Mydlarz, C ., Baglione, M., and  Roginska, A., “A low-cost, high-quality MEMS ambisonic microphone,” Presented at 143rd Audio Engineering Society Conference, October 18-21, 2017, New York, NY.

Oliveira, G., Fava, G., Baglione, M., *Pimpinella, M., “Mobile Digital Recording: Adequacy of the iRig and iOS device for Acoustic and Perceptual Analysis of Normal Voice,” Journal of Voice, March 2017, Vol. 31 (2), 236-242. 

Fava, G., Oliveira, G., Baglione, M., *Pimpinella, M., Spitzer, J., "The Use of Sound Level Meter Apps in the Clinical Setting," American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, February 2016, Vol. 25, 14-28.

Baglione, M., “Building Sustainability into Control Systems: A New Facilities-Based and Hands-On Teaching Approach,” 2015, 122nd ASEE Annual Conference Paper #13199, June 14-17, 2015, Seattle, WA.

Mydlarz, C., Shamoon, C., Baglione, M., *Pimpinella, M., "The design and calibration of low cost urban acoustic sensing devices," 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control, May 31-June 3, 2015, Maastricht, Netherlands.  Best Paper and Presentation Award. 

Baglione, M., Duty, M.J., "A Dynamic Programming Based Simulation Tool for Optimizing Vehicle System Efficiency," 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficient Vehicles (ICEEV 2014), June 24-25, 2014 Dresden, Germany.

Baglione, M., del Cerro, G., "Building Sustainability into Control Systems: Preliminary Assessment of a New Facilities-Based and Hands-On Teaching Approach," Proc. of the 2014 ASEE Zone 1 Conference, Apr. 3-5, Bridgeport, CT. Nominated for Best Professional Paper Award.

*Zielkowski, A., Baglione, M., Wootton, D., "Determining System Time Constant Through Experimental and Analytical Techniques," Proc. of the 2014 ASEE Zone 1 Conference, Apr. 3-5, Bridgeport, CT. Nominated for Best Student Paper Award.

*Sterman, M., Baglione, M., “Design of Artificial Neural Network Using Solar Inputs for Assessing Energy Consumption in a High Performance Academic Building,” Proc. of the 2012 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 9-12, Houston, TX.

Baglione, M., *Caubel, J., “Developing Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum Material using the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and Building Management Systems of a High Performance Academic Building,” Proc. of the 2012 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 9-12, Houston, TX.

Baglione, M., *Short, D., *Correll C., *Tan, D., “Developing Installations and Activities for an Interactive Light Studio at the American Sign Language and English Lower School,” Proc. of the 2012 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 9-12, Houston, TX.

Baglione, M., *Wong, N., *Clevenson, H., *O’Meara, B., *Baker, J., “Creating an Interactive Light Studio for the American Sign Language and English Lower School,” Proc. of the 2011 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 11-17, 2011, Denver, CO.

*Kanber, B., Baglione, M., “Developing an Extensible and Concise Simulink Toolset for Hybrid Vehicle Modeling and Simulation,” SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-0755.  Presented at the 2011 SAE World Congress, April 12-14, 2011, Detroit, MI.

Baglione, M., Duty, M., “Development of a Powertrain Matching Analysis Tool,” SAE Technical Paper 2010-01-0490, Presented at 2010 SAE World Congress, April 13-15, 2010, Detroit, MI. Awarded SAE Engineering Meetings Board Outstanding Oral Presentation Award.

Baglione, M., “Incorporating Practical Laboratory Experiments to Reinforce Dynamic Systems and Control Concepts,” Proc. of the 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Vol. 7, pp. 391-395.

Baglione, M., Duty, M., “Reverse Dynamic Optimization of Variable Displacement Engine Operation and System Integration.”   Proc. of the 2008 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, October 20-22, 2008, Ann Arbor, MI.

Baglione, M., Duty, M., “Development of Reverse Dynamic Optimization Methodology for Optimal Powertrain Integration and Control Design,” Proc. of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 3-6, 2008, Brooklyn, NY.

Baglione, M., Duty, M., Pannone, G.  “Vehicle System Energy Analysis Methodology and Tool for Determining Vehicle Subsystem Energy Supply and Demand,” SAE Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars: Electronic and Electrical Systems, Vol. 116, No. 7, 2008.

Baglione, M., Duty, M.,  Ni, J., Assanis, D., “Reverse Dynamic Optimization Methodology for Maximizing Powertrain System Efficiency,” Proc. of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, August 20-22, Monterrey, CA, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2007. Invited as plenary presentation.

Dahm, W. A., J. Ni, K. Mijit, G. Qiao, A. Benjamin, Y. Gu, Y. Lei, and M. Baglione f/k/a Papke (2002).  “Micro internal combustion swing engine (MICSE) for portable power generation systems.”  Proc. of the 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 14-17, 2002, Reno, NV.

* Cooper Union student co-author