Research Papers
I have published over 100 research papers in HCI and Software Engineering.
ResearchGate is the best place to get up-to-date information about my publicaitons:
Selected papers that represent different aspects of my research:
- Validating the predictions of human performance modeling against real-world task data:
- Gray, W. D., John, B. E., & Atwood, M. E. (1993) Project Ernestine: Validating a GOMS analysis for predicting and explaining real-world task performance. Human-Computer Interaction, 8, pp. 237-309.
- Identifying the "strategic level of knowledge" that many people lack when using complex computer systems in the real world:
- Bhavnani, S. K, & John, B. E. (2000) The efficient use of complex computer systems. Human-Computer Interaction, 15(2), 107-137.
- The relationship between software architecture and usability for the end-user:
- Bass, L. J. & John, B. E. (2003) Linking usability to software architecture patterns through general scenarios. Journal of Systems and Software, 66(3), 187-197.
- Tools for creating valid human performance models:
- John, B. E., Prevas, K., Salvucci, D. D., Koedinger, K. (2004) Predictive human performance modeling made easy. Proceedings of CHI 2004 (Vienna, Austria, April 2004) ACM New York. 455-462.
John, B. E., (2010) Reducing the Variability between Novice Modelers: Results of a Tool for Human Performance Modeling Produced through Human-Centered Design. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS) (Charleston, SC, March 22-25, 2010). - John, B. E. (2011) Using Predictive Human Performance Models to Inspire and Support UI Design Recommendations. Proceedings of CHI 2011. (Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2011) ACM New York.
- John, B. E., Prevas, K., Salvucci, D. D., Koedinger, K. (2004) Predictive human performance modeling made easy. Proceedings of CHI 2004 (Vienna, Austria, April 2004) ACM New York. 455-462.
- Human performance regression testing:
- Swearngin, A., Cohen, M. B., John, B. E., and Bellamy, R. K. E. (2013). Human performance regression testing. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '13). IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 152-161.