Cosmas Tzavelis

Chair and Professor of Civil Engineering

Topics available for research and MS Thesis

Generative Design or Form finding of structural systems using software such as Autodesk Fusion 360 and Rhino-Galapagos.

Form finding and Parametric modeling of Buildings and Bridges with Rhino Grasshopper and Revit Families.

VR, AR and MR (Mixed Reality) for the AEC industry.

3D building printing and Off-site construction.

Prefabrication of Buildings and Bridges.

Rapid Cost estimating for different alternative designs in Revit

Rapid Analysis and Design with BIM. See Guide to Simplified Design for reinforced concrete ACI 314R-16 interface.

National BIM standard and the information delivery manual (IDM)

Finite element integration of Revit floors and walls into their supporting framing system.

Biomimicry for buildings and bridges.

Origami and folding in structural design.

Aesthetics and Structures.

Innovative Bridge Design. Explore structural shapes created by nature.

Design of a double helix bridge.

Primitive and independent of each other vocabulary of form, function, behavior, constraints, actions and resources for the building industry.

Organization of project data. IFC + bSDD Data Dictionary + Process = openBIM and buildingSMART

Theoretical framework for automated Architecture, Engineering and Construction management.

Standardized Design spreadsheets for Beam-Columns, Beams, Footings, Base Plates and Connections, integrated with xml files.

Recycled materials in load bearing structural members.

Sustainable Steel and Concrete design.

Computer Aided Integration of Analysis, Design and Construction.

Object Oriented Databases, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Bases, Neural Networks and Cased Based reasoning in the Analysis, Design and Construction of Structures.

Educational/Professional Steel, Concrete, Masonry and Wood Design (using spreadsheets.  

Biaxial Bending of Concrete columns using spreadsheets.

Flat concrete slab design.

Automated 3-D moment distribution for structural analysis and design.

Tutorial for Bridge Analysis and Design using SAP2000 or Robot SA

Second order analysis and design of buildings